Our Programs are committed to helping develop excellence in leadership and performance—both in business and personally. They ensure that the skills developed will be equally as beneficial to work objectives as they are to family members, friends and self. The Programs are committed to bring lasting change and development
Our Programs Include :
The RIQ TRAINING Recruitment Intelligence Quotient Training – Ensuring you Recruit Right
The BOIQ TRAINING Business Objectives Intelligence Quotient Training – Ensuring you understand and Meet the needs of your business
Realigning the REAL YOU- Intense Self Realignment and development Programs
Leadership Training – Realigning your Leadership using the SHMB Technique
Seed Training – Developing New and Desired Skills that meet your Business and Personal Objectives
Increasing your TRP with the Customer / Audience / others and Self
Communication – The core success laws
Creating the Customer Partner in you
It's vital in todays ever changing and competitive world, to know an industry in and out. Our consultants draw upon this very knowledge, gained through years of experience, to offer our customers advice in implementing strategies that reduce risk, enhance efficiency and offer value.
